Rod is available in both virgin grades and reprocessed (mechanical) for less demanding applications. Surf Technologies extrudes rod in all standard sizes from 1/8th inch diameter up to 4 inches in diameter. Rod is inventoried in twelve foot lengths so it can be cut into six foot lengths (UPS shipping) or less, as ordered. PTFE rod is generally used as machining stock for all kinds of chemical, electrical and mechanical components where the outstanding performance characteristics of PTFE are required. Various fillers are available to modify the properties of PTFE to meet application requirements. Fluoro-Plastics stocks huge inventories so that same day shipment of most standard sizes is available. Conforms to ASTM D 1710 and MIL-P 19468.
Teflon® is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company used under License by Fluoro-Plastics, Inc. Only Dupont makes TEFLON®.